Friday, August 1, 2014

My Time at the Oriental Institute

By Kelsey Waxman, Public Education and Outreach Intern
Summer 2014

Image: Kelsey Waxman. Photo Credit: Carol Ng-He.
The summer internship is a rite of passage for all students. This past May, my friends and I left the University of California Berkeley campus in search of work and learning experiences that would help us to delve more deeply into career fields that interest us as well as calm our nerves (or excite them!) as the post-graduate world inches nearer and nearer. As I now prepare to return to California for my third year of my undergraduate education, I know that I will be bringing with me a new skillset and invaluable experiences that will guide and inform my academic and career choices. I owe this to my time as an intern in the Public Education and Outreach Department of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.